LOW INCOME ASSISTANCE APPLICATION Download PDF OR Name*FirstLast Address* Street Address Street Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region Postal / Zip Code County* Phone Email*The reason for Spay/Neuter Assistance (COMPLETE ALL OR MARK N/A if not applicable) Total Household Income Last Year, before Taxes, in USD Also. please put your Income PerMonthTwo WeekWeek $List allHousehold members other than yourself. Indicate Full Time or Part Time forthose employed or state student, unemployed, retired, disabled, etc. Name 1 Age 1 Months/Years 1*Select valueMonthsYears Occupation 1 Job Type 1Full-TimePart Time Name 2 Age 2 Months/Years 2*Select valueMonthsYears Occupation 2 Job Type 2Full-TimePart Time Name 3 Age 3 Months/Years 3*Select valueMonthsYears Occupation 3 Job Type 3Full-TimePart Time Use this space to put additional family members Do You Receive: (Check All that Apply) Food StampsTenncareWICSupplemental Security Income (SSI)Rental AssistanceAid to Dependant Families (AFCD/TAFDC)UnemploymentSocial SecurityOtherBy typing my full name here and dating this application, I affirm that the above information is true and correct Type Your Full Name Here* Date*Upon request, you must provide proof of income: Tax Return, Bank Statement showing Federal Government Deposits, Employee Check Stub Pet's Name: Type*DogCat Age In Months/Years*Select valueMonthsYears Sex*MaleFemale Estimated Weight* Color* BreedSPAY/NEUTER SURGERY – Must be PREPAID (including vaccinations, other services) prior to scheduling. NO REFUNDS.The Grant covers the cost of surgery up to 50lbs. All pets must either receive a rabies vaccination at a cost of $10 or show proof of a current vaccination certificate. A cone and pain medication for dog post-surgical care is required at an additional cost (see box). All patients will be given a pre-surgery exam the day of surgery. DOGS: (nail trim & a 24 hour pain injection included) SPAY-FEMALE-Ovariohysterectomy 5-50 lbs. $051-74 lbs. $2575-100 lbs. $65Pregnancy up to $50 extra (due on pick-up)Umbilical Hernia Repair $15 DOGS: (nail trim & a 24 hour pain injection included) NEUTER-MALE- Castration5-50 lbs. $051-74 lbs. $2075-100 lbs. $60Cryptorchid, $25+ depending on size (due on pickup) Post-Surgical Upon Discharge REQUIRED for dogsE-Collar $5E-Collar Over 75 lbs. $10Pain Meds $10Pain Meds Over 75 lbs. $15 CATS:( a 24 hour pain injection included) Neuter-Male (Castration) $0 Spay-Female (Ovariohysterectomy) $0Pregnancy up to $40 extra (due on pickup)Pain Meds $15E-Collar $5Inside CatOutside CatFeral Cat (Eartip given at no charge)Cryptorchid $25+ depending on size (due on pick-up) DOGS: Requested Vaccines and Services Rabies 1yr $10-required (or proof of current vaccine)Distemper/Parvo (DA2PP) $10Bordatella/Kennel Cough $10Heartworm Test $20 CATS: Requested Vaccines and Services Rabies 1yr $10-required (or proof of current vaccine)Distemper (FVRCP) $10Leukemia (FELV) $15 (Need proof of negative FeLV test) FeLV/FIV Test $25 Other Optional services during surgeryMicrochip $20Fecal $10De-wormer (Dog) starts at $10Profender (Cats) $15Flea/Tick $10 Financial Documentation/Proof of IncomePlease carefully read the following:Additional fees/charges may apply at time of pick-up due to higher weight, unexpected pregnancies, cryptorchid surgeries, umbilical hernias, or other services that may be needed for your animal at our veterinarian’s discretion. If any animal has live fleas, a capstar will be given to kill fleas immediately and to keep the surgery site sterile. An additional charge of $5 per capstar will be due at pick-up. You will be notified of any additional costs the day of your appointment. All cats MUST arrive in carriers, and dogs must be leashed. NO CHECKS are accepted in office day of surgery.After we receive your application and proof of income we will contact you. You will be required to pay what the grant does not cover before an appointment is made. Appointments are not made until all payments are received. Prepayment Options are:*Money Order (prior to scheduling)Cash (prior to scheduling)Check (prior to scheduling)PayPal (Must add $3.50 fee to your payment)Credit/Debit (3.5% Fee added)NOTE: If paying with PayPal, please use the "Donate" button at the top of the page.By signing below I, the owner, acknowledge that I have read and understand this statement, and that I am responsible for all payments due at time of pick-up. I will pay any additional fees/charges that are due in office in addition to what I have sent with this application. I understand that a 48 hour notice is needed to reschedule. If no 48 hour notice is given monies will be forfeited. Also, I understand there are no refunds for any reason. MTSNC will issue credit, I may pick additional services or I may donate any remainder to our sponsorship fund. MTSNC is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization with the mission of reducing pet overpopulation and euthanasia in animal shelters. Form Signature* Form Date*SubmitReset 846 Union St. Shelbyville, TN 37160 Call Us 931-684-5353 EMAIL US mtsnc@mtsnc.org